Now this is cool! I don't know how this was able to get me interested, as I never really am a Metal fan(But at the same time I don't hate Metal, so calm down xD) so that's really amazing. The chords, basses, well pretty much everything was put to make it have a theme to it. I can see where the dragon adventure inspiration comes in. It's excellent! I may use this in a GD level in the hopes to get it attention as I'm a good creator but have no features because I never released a level in about 2 years but I have always been practicing. I don't know what to name it, but I will probably name it by the song name and get a friend to help me with gameplay. Overall, it's an amazing song, keep doing what you do, you're doing great!
Also, why did you block Synergetic Enigma and Crimson Chalice? Is RobTop using them for an official level or did you think that Ouroboros and Crimson Planet were official levels, or are you going to unblock it eventually when they are both done and verified? If the song isn't open to GD, then the song won't get noticed as the link isn't included when it's put in a level when it's released. Creators edit the files of the game to get the song in, but other players won't hear it(get a different song) and it won't be linked in-game. Also, if more levels use the song, it will start being used more in GD, which grabs a ton of attention! But if you keep it blocked, Ouroboros and Crimson Planet will take longer to release as it would have to find another person's song that syncs before releasing it to replace it until the official is unblocked or published. There are probably already plans for it but I just found you.
One last question, do you play GD? Just a curiousity. :)